Lab Manuals
Sections for the lab manuals page:
- Theory
- Parts of the Accelerator
- The Ion Source
- The Tandem
- The Ion Optics
- The Target Room
- Detection
- For the [[27Al (p,n) 27Si]] experiment
- For the [[11B (p,n) 11C]] experiment
- Radiation Safety
- Phy 445/515 Calendar
The CASE Nuclear Structure Lab ion source is a General Ionex 860A (now part of High Voltage Europa HVEE), purchased in 1983. It is a negative ion source capable of making microAmp beams of most elements from the periodic table (exceptions include noble gases).
The CASE Nuclear Structure Lab accelerator is the FN-8 Tandem Van de Graaff built by High Voltage Engineering Corporation in 1967. It uses a pelletized charging chain to create voltages up to 8 Million Volts.
A variety of ion optical elements are used to steer and focus the beam.
The CASE NSL Target Room has 6 beamlines available for experiments in nuclear physics, atomic physics, condensed matter, radiation damage and Accelerator Mass Spectromtry.